Conditions of Membership

Membership of the Scout Association

All members of the Unit must be, or must become, Members or Associate Members of The Scout Association in the United Kingdom (England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales) – see POR rule 6.1 (g).  The Unit is open to all with an interest in the production of content to support Scouting. All members must take an active role in the Unit. Unit members will be eligible wear the Unit scarf and badge.



All members of the Unit are expected to be familiar with and abide by the Scout Association policies on keeping young people safe (the Yellow Card), smoking, drugs and alcohol (the Green Card). In addition, members of the Unit are expected to behave in an appropriate and respectful manner towards others, especially when representing the Unit at an event or when wearing Unit branded clothing. Failure to do so, or any complaint received, may result in termination of membership of the Unit.



In line with rules around National Active Support Units, all adult members of the Unit must hold a current, valid disclosure on their membership record, this is currently the UK DBS Certificate (Access NI and PVG cannot currently be substituted and members in Northern Ireland and Scotland will need to complete a DBS check).


Members without a current disclosure, or if their disclosure is due to expire will need to complete one or suspension from the Unit or the closure of all roles in Scouting could occur as per the National DBS policy.  The Unit can apply for a DBS for any Member, although anyone holding a local scouting role would normally have this done locally.



All members of the Unit must complete Module 1 (Essential Information) of The Scout Association’s Adult Training Scheme if they have not already done so.  All members must complete Safety and Safeguarding Awareness Training at least once every five years.  This training will be recorded against your Compass membership record.  It is recommended, but not essential, that all members complete a First Aid certificate recognised by Scouting, although this requirement may change if members are designated as Event Organisers or other such roles where a First Aid certificate is mandated.


Any Training has been previously validated will not have to be completed again although the Unit will require copies of certificate or confirmation from trainers to ensure that Compass is updated appropriately if this has not already been done.


The Unit can aid in the validation of Training for its members and the Unit will provide any support it can to ensure compliance.  Coordinators and the Unit Manager will complete further training relevant to their roles.


Review of Membership

Each member of the Unit will have their Unit membership reviewed every 5 years to record the assistance that the member has provided to the unit. Membership reviews are conducted by the Unit Manager (or his/her designate).


Membership Fees

The Unit Membership Fee is due on 1st April each year and all members of The Unit must pay the Unit’s annual membership fee by 30th April each year.  Non-payment of Membership Fees after 30th April will result in membership of the Unit being closed.  Membership reminder emails will be sent to the registered email address.


The Membership Fee will be £10 per year and agreed either at the Units annual meeting or at Reunion, whichever occurs first.  Unit Members will be advised at what event the Unit will be asked to agree any changes.  A one-off joining fee of £25 will cover membership admin, Unit scarf, badge and first year’s membership fee.


The Unit will complete an annual census return each year in accordance with TSA policy and any member who is an active member of the Unit (on Compass) on the date the census is compiled will be included.  Any member who has requested their role be closed and this has been actioned by the date the census return is compiled will not be included, even if they have been a member of the Unit that year.


Kit Insurance

It is recognised that as many members of the Unit are professionals they will already have equipment insurance. Therefore, members will be responsible for ensuring appropriate insurance of personal equipment used during Unit activities. Unit-owned equipment will be insured as required by PoR rule 8.1


Members are responsible for the security of their equipment at events. The Unit will arrange secure storage where possible or alert members that no secure storage is available.


Leaving the Unit

Members can leave the Unit at any time but must do so in writing by email to the Unit Manager and Membership Co-ordinator who will ensure that the role is closed appropriately.  There is no refund of Unit Membership Fees after they have been paid.



Members retain the copyright to all works produced on Unit activities. By joining the Unit members automatically license the Unit to use (including selling) any of their works uploaded to Unit storage. The Unit will supply works to Scout Adventures, the Scout Association and its constituent Countries, Regions, Counties and Districts as required and agreed.



The Unit will ballot members for attendance at events. Teams will be selected from the members who respond to the ballot. Entry into the ballot does not guarantee attendance at the event.


If a member attends an event as part of a team they must be available to the team for the whole event or for periods as agreed with the Unit event co-ordinator before the event begins.


Personal Data

In addition to the personal information held by the Scout Association, the Unit will separately retain the data supplied by a Member on joining and, in addition, details of events attended by the member and roles performed at events. The Unit is covered by the Scout Association Data Protection statements and policy.